Re-imagined Headspace App features

4 min readFeb 3, 2023



I have been a PM for Artist engagement on TikTok for the last one year. My main responsibility is to help artists get more visibility & traffic on their content (music and TikTok videos) on Bytedance platforms, making TikTok their primary app for promotion and expression. Before working as a PM, for 2+ years, I was responsible for international music operations on Resso App.
Besides this, I am a super user of Headspace. I have a run streak of 700 days with more than 14000 minutes (260 hours). Since I have been using Headspace for more than two years daily, and feel some features will help the user experience and the business.

I will outline these features below.

Feature 1 — Group session (Meditate & Yoga together)

Intro & Goal
Lately, many people have started doing yoga and meditation virtually (using apps and video calls with coaches) because of the pandemic and post-pandemic life. Many people can’t afford a virtual class, but they want to practice these mindful practices together, which motivates and helps them to be consistent.
What are we building & Why?
We are building a feature that will allow headspace users to join their partner, friend, coach, colleague, or community in mindful practices like meditation and yoga.

User storyOn many days of the month, my friend and I are not in the same geographic location, and we often do yoga and meditation over zoom while using headspace in the background. But the experience is really poor; sometimes, the video lags, and sometimes, the sound.

Business story — If we have this feature for just premium subscriptions, this will increase the conversion rate from free to paid model. Avid headspace premium users will encourage their friends/family.

How to measure success?
1. X% CTR on the feature
2. Retention increased by 10%
3. Premium subscription increased by 1%
4. Headspace app use time increase by X%

Feature 2 — Push notifications

Intro & Goal
In today’s world, where our phones and screens are constantly around us, we are always distracted by social media and get lost in our thoughts. We need reminders to help us focus on the present, which can improve our concentration on present tasks in daily life.

What are we building & Why?
We are building a feature that will send a push notification to users every X(Which can be adjusted by the user) minute to remind them to be present and to take breaths. This feature will help users to be present, not get distracted, and focus on the present task, and it will help them better manage time. That’s why keeping track of their meditation practice can be an effective tool for boosting consistency.

User story- Daily, when I am doing my work, I get distracted by my phone or thoughts, and I get back to my work but still breathe automatically. This feature will help me immensely to come back to breathe every 30 minutes of the day. It will allow me to work and focus better on my tasks and be mindful.

How to measure success?
1. X% CTR on the feature
2. Retention increased by 5%
3. Premium subscription increased by 1%

Feature 3 — Self-goal

Intro & Goal
With a simple mission to help users “stay focused” and “be present,” this feature will train people to manage their meditation time. Consistency is what makes meditation practice work. Consistency lets meditation sleep into your mind and makes a lasting impact.

What are we building & Why?
We are building a feature that will motivate users to meditate or spend some mindful time. This feature will help users manage daily meditation duration and push them to achieve their goals. This feature will also reward them with quotes or being thankful for completing their daily self-goal of meditation. What you track improves. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

User story- Daily I meditate for between 15–25 minutes, and I would love to have a feature on Headspace where I can set my meditation goal. I can set up anywhere from 5–180 minutes. For example, If I set 30 minutes, it will track my meditation duration from morning to night. If I have completed/exceeded my goal (30 minutes in my case), I will get a notification thanking me for achieving this daily self-goal. If I have been lagging at the end of the day (preferably evening), I would like to receive a notification saying I am just shy of X minutes to achieve my daily meditation goal.

How to measure success?
1. X% CTR on the feature
2. Retention increased by 5%
3. Headspace app use time increased by X%

Feature 4 — Video forward-backward icon.

Intro & Goal
When watching guided workouts, yoga, or any exercise, you sometimes want to turn the video backward X seconds and forward x seconds.

What are we building & Why?
We are building a feature that will indicate the time they are skipping ahead and back with a better design and placement on the video page. This helps the user adjust if they missed any particular movement in the video or if there was some disturbance in the place of practice.

User story- When I am doing my yoga session and if there’s someone at the door and I forgot to play the pause button, it is very informative to know duration of skipping it ahead or back.

How to measure success?
1. Increase in screen-time by X%
2.User satisfaction (measured via survey)

Current -> Proposed




Written by Parth

Product manager @bytedance (TikTok)

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